




Liu Xiaoyan is a famous Chinese actress, comedian and television presenter. She was born on August 21, 1962 in Beijing, China. Liu started her career as a host in the late 1980s and became popular for her humorous personality and quick wit. She then moved on to acting and became known for her roles in television dramas and films.



Liu Xiaoyan English Composition 2

My Favorite Hobby

My favorite hobby is reading. I love reading books of various genres, such as novels, biographies, and self-help books. Reading not only broadens my knowledge, but also brings me joy and fulfillment.

Reading novels is like entering a different world. I become engrossed in the stories and feel as if I am living the lives of the characters. Whether it's a romantic love story or a thrilling adventure, I can't help but get lost in the pages.

Biographies are another type of book I enjoy. Through reading about the lives of great people, I am inspired and motivated. Their stories of success and determination encourage me to work hard and strive for my goals.

Self-help books are also an important part of my reading list. They provide valuable guidance and advice on personal growth and development. I have learned practical strategies for time management, communication skills, and maintaining a positive mindset.

Reading has not only improved my knowledge and skills, but also helped me become a better person. It has broadened my perspectives, increased my empathy, and improved my critical thinking abilities.

In conclusion, reading is my favorite hobby because it enriches my life in many ways. It takes me to different places, teaches me valuable lessons, and helps me grow as an individual. I will continue to explore the world of books and enjoy the endless treasures they have to offer.









Liu Xiaoyan, a famous Chinese cross-talk performer, is known for her quick wit, humorous language, and outstanding performance skills. She has become a household name in China and has brought laughter to countless audiences.


Liu Xiaoyan was born in a traditional cross-talk family, which paved the way for her career in this field. With a passion for cross-talk from a young age, she began training under her father's guidance. Through years of hard work and practice, she honed her skills and eventually emerged as a rising star in the cross-talk industry.


Liu Xiaoyan's performances are filled with clever wordplay, witty jokes, and exaggerated gestures, which greatly amuse the audience. She has an incredible ability to improvise and respond quickly to unexpected situations. Her comedic timing and delivery are impeccable, her performances highly entertaining and enjoyable.


In addition to her talent in cross-talk, Liu Xiaoyan is also admired for her down-to-earth personality and positive attitude towards life. She is known for her humility and kindness, which have won her the love and respect of both her colleagues and fans.


Liu Xiaoyan's success in the cross-talk industry has inspired many aspiring performers and brought the traditional art form back into the spotlight. Her impact on the comedy scene in China cannot be understated, and she continues to be a beloved figure in the entertainment industry.


Liu Xiaoyan's talent, hard work, and humble personality have made her a true icon in the world of cross-talk. Her performances continue to bring joy and laughter to people of all ages, leaving a lasting impression on the audience.





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