




I'll be the happiest thing in the sun. I'll touch a hundred flowers instead of picking one. I'll watch the cliffs and the clouds with my quiet eyes, watch the wind droop on the grass, the grass rise, and when the lights in the town start to light up, I'll mark it must be mine, and then I'll start to fall.




"We're reading the first section of the first chapter of a book, and its pages are infinite." I'm not someone who wrote them, but I always like them as a reminder that the future is anything we want, that we can accept the mysterious, hazy future and create anything we can imagine from it, just as a sculptor carves a statue on an unformed stone If we plant a good seed, we are all in the position of farmers; if our seed is poor and overgrown with s, we will harvest a good harvest; if we do not plant anything, we will harvest nothing; I hope the future is better than the past, and I do not want to make history full of mistakes and mistakes, we should all care about the future, because that is the time we spend the rest of our lives The place. The past is past, nothing static can be changed. The future is in front of us.

The dynamic things we do will affect it every day and bring new things. In our family and career, if we only recognize them, we are just the beginning of progress in every field of human endeavor.




On the earth [ɔðə: θ] [ðɚ] on [ɒ] [ðə] art earth [ɒ: θ] [ɜ: R θ] n vt the number of wild animals on the earth is decreasing a long time ago, the earth's giant animals living on the Earth Mother Earth: https://picwenwensosocom/p//jpegjpg.


在地球上[ɔnðə:θ][ðiɚθ]在[ɒ][ðə]艺术地球[ɜ:θ][ɜ:rθ]n vt地球上野生动物的数量在减少很久以前地球上生活在地球上的巨大动物地球母亲:https://picwenwensosocom/p//jpegjpg。




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