
关于”800词“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:800 words。以下是关于800词的高中英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。


关于”800词“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:800 words。以下是关于800词的高中英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:800 words

An Outstanding Student


English Version:

Every claoom has that one student who consistently stands out from the rest, excelling in academics, leadership, and character. Today, I would like to introduce an outstanding student who epitomizes all these qualities.


Meet David, a 17-year-old senior at our school. David is not only known for his exceptional academic achievements but also for his impressive extracurricular involvement. In terms of academics, David consistently maintains top grades and is widely recognized by both his teachers and peers for his intelligence and hard work. He is always eager to partite actively in class discussions, asking thoughtful questions and engaging in stimulating conversations. David's passion for learning is contagious, inspiring his classmates to strive for excellence.


Furthermore, David's leadership skills are exemplary. He assumes leadership roles in numerous clubs and organizations, where he demonstrates his ability to motivate and coordinate team efforts. David is known for his clear vision, excellent communication skills, and effective decision- abilities. He leads by example, inspiring others to follow suit and work towards common goals. His peers admire his ability to bring people together and create a positive and inclusive environment.


In addition to his academic and leadership accomplishments, David possesses outstanding character traits. He displays honesty and integrity in all aspects of his life, serving as a role model for his peers. David is consistently respectful towards his teachers and classmates, treating everyone with kindness and empathy. He is always willing to lend a helping hand to those in need, showing compassion and understanding. David demonstrates a strong sense of responsibility and accountability, taking ownership of his actions and constantly striving to improve himself.


In conclusion, David is an exceptional student who embodies excellence in academics, leadership, and character. His dedication and passion for learning, ability to inspire and lead others, and his admirable qualities make him a true standout among his peers. David is not only an asset to our school but also an inspiration to those around him.



School is not only a place where we can learn something, but also a small society. "School violence" is a popular word in schools in recent years. School violence has a lot of influence on us, so now many of us have been bullied by school bullying.

Resisting campus violence is what everyone in the school should do. Teachers should have a sense of responsibility and seriously discover students We should have a sense of justice and a heart to fight against evil. Don't be afraid.

It is like a spring. If you are weak, you will be strong. If you are strong, you will be weak.

I think if we unite and fight against evil, peace and harmony will be fair again.




In most schools and universities, examination is the main means to determine whether a student is successful in mastering a certain subject. Although it is quite effective, its side effects are also enormous. The least desirable effect is that examinations encourage bad learning habits, because test scores are the only criterion for students' academic performance.

A student is driven to memorize mechanically rather than creatively. Examinations do not motivate students to seek more knowledge, but restrict their reading. The examination can not make him study consistently throughout the semester, but inducing students to memorize in the examination week will also reduce the efficiency of the examination.

Because teachers themselves are often judged by the examination results, they are often judged according to the examination results. Therefore, they are reduced to training students' examination skills, and any subject can not be only through intentional partition To teach successfully with examinations.






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