




Now, with the deepening of ization, we enjoy the convenience brought about by ization. How do people know how cities started long ago? There are only a few thousand people in the world. These people move from one place to another and hunt animals for food.

No one knows how or when these people learned to grow food, but when they learned to do it, they did One thing is for sure, they gather in rich places or close to water. Water and climate are the most important things for life. It was the rich water and comfortable climate that gathered people from different places, and they began to live close to each other, so many people came to work in the first village, and the village became bigger and bigger.

When the machine was invented, the life in the village changed again. The factory has been built. Because of the increase of population, more and more people live near the factory, more and more buildings are built, and then the city is built.





As you know, there is not enough clean water for people to drink. In many countries, many people lose their lives because of water. People have to cut down trees to survive.

Because there is nothing to stop the loss of water, so we have polluted the land, rivers and air, so we have to face more and more floods and droughts, and we have to take action We can't ask our parents to throw useful garbage on the ground, we can't throw them on the ground, we can't throw them on the ground.




In the past few years, the traffic has changed a lot. People used to travel by horse or carriage. Later, people had buses, trains and ships, which could shorten the time of a long journey.

Now we not only have more private cars, but also airplanes and high-speed railways. All these modern means of transportation can provide us with a fast and pleasant journey. Therefore, more and more people like to travel these days.

In short, modern transportation has completely changed our life and our world has become smaller and smaller.







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