
关于”myhome“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:My Home。以下是关于myhome的六级英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。


关于”myhome“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:My Home。以下是关于myhome的六级英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:My Home

My home. This is my home. It's not clean.

Neat books and tapes are everywhere. On the bed, on the sofa, under my chair, I always ask my mother, "where are my keys, where are my books, where are my cats?" there are three trees near my home. I like them very much.

My school is very close to my home, so I walk to school like my neighbor because I can have a new room.




My house I live in the countryside, far away from the city. My house is at the foot of the mountain. There is a big yard near my home.

My parents raise some pigs, sheep and chickens. We also have a rhubarb dog. There are five rooms, a living room, two bedrooms, a bathroom and a kitchen.

I love my home very well. Hello, I am . I have a very happy family My mother is a worker.

She is about 35 years old. She likes zebras on Saays and Sundays. She likes swimming.

She doesn't work on Saays and Sundays. My grandfather and grandmother like running on Saays and walking on Sundays. They like ducks.

But I don't like horses at night. We watch TV. Sometimes I listen to music.

But my mother, grandfather and grandmother don't like them. They like reading books. I love me very much Do you like my family.




My Home

My home is a cozy and warm place. It has a spacious living room, where my family and I watch TV together and have fun. The walls are painted in light yellow, which gives a bright and cheerful atmosphere. There is also a comfortable sofa and a coffee table in the living room, where we often have snacks and drinks.

My bedroom is my favorite place in my home. It is decorated with posters of my favorite bands and celebrities. The walls are painted in light blue, which creates a calm and peaceful ambiance. I also have a comfy bed where I can rest and read my favorite books.

The kitchen is a place where my mom cooks delicious food and we share meals together. It is equipped with all the necessary appliances and utensils. The dining table is located in the kitchen, where we enjoy our meals and have conversations.

Finally, my home has a beautiful garden where my family and I enjoy spending time. It has a variety of flowers and plants, which make it a peaceful and serene place to relax.

Overall, my home is a place where I feel safe, comfortable, and happy. It is the best place to be after a long day at school or work.











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