
关于”2018年全国一卷“的英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:2018 National First Examination Paper。以下是关于2018年全国一卷的高中英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。


关于”2018年全国一卷“的英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:2018 National First Examination Paper。以下是关于2018年全国一卷的高中英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:2018 National First Examination Paper

An Outstanding Student in 2018

2018 has seen the rise of numerous outstanding students in China. Among them, a notable example is Li Ming, a diligent and talented high school student. Let's take a deeper look at Li Ming's achievements and valuable qualities.

Li Ming has consistently excelled in his academic studies throughout 2018. He managed to maintain a GPA of 4.0, ranking at the top of his class. His impressive performance in subjects such as mathematics, physics, and English has not only earned him the admiration of his teachers, but also the respect of his peers.

Aside from his academic achievements, Li Ming actively partites in various extracurricular activities. He is not only the captain of the school's debate team, but also a key member of the basketball club. Li Ming's leadership skills have made him an influential figure, not only on the academic front, but also in his athletic pursuits.

What sets Li Ming apart from other outstanding students is his unwavering commitment to contributing to society. Throughout 2018, he dedicated considerable time and effort to volunteer work. He regularly visited nursing homes, where he interacted with the elderly, providing them companionship and assistance. Additionally, he actively partited in environmental protection campaigns, raising awareness about the importance of preserving our planet for future generations.

Li Ming's success is not only attributed to his intelligence and dedication, but also to his humility and kindness. He never hesitates to offer help to his classmates, patiently explaining difficult concepts and ensuring that everyone understands. Li Ming's classmates regard him as a reliable friend and helpful study partner.

Looking towards the future, Li Ming aims to continue his pursuit of excellence. He plans to attend a reputable university, majoring in engineering. His ultimate goal is to apply his knowledge and skills to make a positive impact on society.

In conclusion, Li Ming has proven himself to be an outstanding student throughout 2018. His academic achievements, leadership qualities, dedication to community service, and compassionate nature make him a role model for his peers. We look forward to witnessing his future success and the positive impact he will undoubtedly make in society.









Title: My Favorite Destination


In the vast world, there are countless exciting places to visit. Among them, my favorite destination is Paris, the capital of France. With its rich history, breathtaking architecture, and vibrant culture, Paris has always held a special place in my heart.


First and foremost, the history of Paris is truly fascinating. Walking through the streets, one can feel the weight of the past and the stories whispered by the old buildings. The iconic landmarks like the Eiffel Tower, Notre-Dame Cathedral, and the Louvre Museum are testaments to the city's cultural and historical heritage. They provide a glimpse into the grandeur and elegance of the bygone eras.


Secondly, Paris is renowned for its stunning architecture. Whether it is the ornate details of the gothic cathedrals or the elegant facades of the Haussmannian buildings, there is beauty in every corner of the city. Strolling along the Seine River, one can witness the perfect harmony between historical landmarks and modern structures. The city's architectural wonders never fail to leave me in awe.


Lastly, the vibrant culture of Paris is an irresistible charm. Known as the "City of Lights," Paris has been the epicenter of art, fashion, and gastronomy for centuries. The city is home to numerous museums, art galleries, and fashion boutiques, offering endless opportunities for artistic and cultural indulgence. Moreover, the French cuisine, with its delicate flavors and exquisite presentation, is a treat for both the palate and the eyes.


In conclusion, Paris is my favorite travel destination due to its captivating history, stunning architecture, and vibrant culture. It is a city that never ceases to amaze me and always leaves me longing for more. Exploring the streets of Paris is like embarking on a journey through time, where the past and present coexist in perfect harmony.


Note: This essay is an original piece written for the requested title and may not be an actual essay from the 2018 English National Exam.






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