
关于”大小区别“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:The difference in size。以下是关于大小区别的考研英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。


关于”大小区别“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:The difference in size。以下是关于大小区别的考研英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The difference in size

When we watch TV dramas, we will find that stars are much younger than before, that is to say, they should be known as soon as possible, so child stars have become the main target of agents. But when they are young, they have to lose their childhood. When they grow up, they have to pay a price.

Many children become famous, and then they will lose control when they grow up. Take Justin Bieber as an example For example, he used to be famous. He looked like a good boy and got a lot of fans.

But in the next few years, he gradually became a bad boy. He beat reporters, swearing to the media, and even driving after drinking and driving are not conducive to children's fame. He should go to school and have a normal childhood.

Being famous early will make children lose themselves and distort their values. The price of early fame is too terrible It's not suitable for children to become famous. Fitness can be advertised in movies.

My dream is to be a doctor, to be famous for longer working hours, to surf the Internet rationally, to watch the changes of the world cup, to be confident of the importance of College Students' entrepreneurship, life and rural life my moral outlook: can the new postgraduate entrance standard replace the traditional shopping, one-day tour and tax due to pollution.




Community scale: there are only 6 apartment buildings with garden in the center. There is a pond and lawn in the garden on the left, and a gym on the left. The apartment is on the fourth floor.

The layout of the apartment is one room, one hall, one kitchen and one bathroom, and the balcony is in the community (community)].





1. 大作文





Study the following passage carefully and write an essay in which you should

1) briefly summarize the key points of the passage;

2) give your own opinions on the issue discussed in the passage;

3) support your opinions with reasoning and examples.

Write your essay on ANSWER SHEET.


China's "Gangnam Style" Becomes Internet Sensation

"Style" is in the air. Psy's "Gangnam Style" has gone viral and become an Internet sensation, partly due to YouTube. This South Korean song and dance video was released in July and within three months, it had become the most "liked" and viewed video on YouTube.

"Gangnam Style" makes fun of the lifestyle of Seoul's Gangnam district, whose residents are known to be wealthy, trend-chasing and proud of their ostentatious lifestyle. The music video features Psy and his female friend engaging in the horse-riding dance move, which has become a global craze. In addition, the video features some of South Korea's iconic landmarks, as well as some of the country's biggest pop stars.

The song has proven incredibly popular across the world, attracting fans from all corners of the globe, and even inspiring parodies and imitations. The video has been watched by people of all ages, from kids to grandparents, and it has received huge amounts of attention in the media and from celebrities.

However, not everyone is a fan of the song. Some people have condemned it for its ist and materialistic lyrics, while others have criticized it for being a cheap and shallow attempt at a hit song. Nevertheless, Psy remains incredibly popular and his "Gangnam Style" continues to be a worldwide sensation.


China's "Gangnam Style" Becomes Internet Sensation

In recent months, "Gangnam Style," a South Korean song and dance video, has taken the world by storm. With millions of views on YouTube and countless imitations and parodies, this video has become a global phenomenon. However, while many people enjoy the catchy melody and the silly dance moves, others are more critical of the song's message and impact.

At its core, "Gangnam Style" is a satire of the ostentatious and trend-chasing lifestyle of the residents of Seoul's Gangnam district. The video features Psy and his female friend riding invisible horses and engaging in a variety of silly and irreverent activities. The music is infectious and the dance moves are easy to learn, which has contributed to the video's popularity across the world.

However, not everyone is a fan of the song. Some people have criticized it for being ist and materialistic, with lyrics that objectify women and celebrate excessive consumption. Others have argued that the song is a shallow attempt at a hit, with little substance or artistic merit.

Overall, while "Gangnam Style" is undeniably entertaining and fun, it is important to recognize its limitations and potential drawbacks. Like any cultural phenomenon, it reflects and reinforces certain values and attitudes, and we should consider carefully what those values and attitudes are before we embrace them uncritically.




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