
关于”上册“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:upper volume。以下是关于上册的初中英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。


关于”上册“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:upper volume。以下是关于上册的初中英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:upper volume

The national development and Reform Commission (NDRC) announced late on Monday that China will raise gasoline and diesel prices per ton from Tuesday, and the adjusted national average prices of gasoline and diesel will rise by RMB yuan and yuan / L respectively. After the adjustment, for example, Beijing, the price of gasoline has reached RMB / L, and the international crude oil price has increased by more than% since February 2, when gasoline and diesel oil prices were increased by more than% The retail price of oil has increased by yuan per ton. More and more people complain that they can't afford such high oil prices and have to use public transport.

The rise in oil prices will affect people's lives to a certain extent.




My Experience of Studying English in the First Semester of Junior High School


English is one of the most widely spoken languages in the world. Therefore, it is crucial for us to learn and master this language. In the first semester of junior high school, I had the opportunity to study English. It has been a challenging and rewarding experience.


To begin with, our English teacher is very professional and dedicated. She has a passion for teaching and always encourages us to actively partite in class activities. In addition to teaching us grammar and vocabulary, she also introduces various interesting topics and organizes discussions. Through these activities, we not only improve our language skills but also broaden our horizons.


Moreover, we have been using various learning resources, such as textbooks, workbooks, and audio materials. These resources not only provide us with a systematic learning structure but also help us improve our listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills. We are also encouraged to engage in self-study and make use of online resources, such as language learning apps and websites, to further enhance our proficiency in English.


In terms of sments, we have been given regular quizzes and tests to evaluate our progress. These sments have motivated us to review and consolidate what we have learned. Furthermore, our teacher often provides constructive feedback on our writing and speaking tasks, which helps us identify our strengths and weaknesses and work towards improvement.


In conclusion, studying English in the first semester of junior high school has been a valuable experience. With the guidance of a dedicated teacher, the use of various learning resources, and the motivation from sments, I have been able to make significant progress in my English proficiency. I believe that continuous effort and practice will lead to further improvement in the future.



Title: My Experience with English in the First Semester of Junior High School




English has always been an important subject for me as a student. In the first semester of my second year in junior high school, I had the opportunity to explore various aspects of English learning. This article aims to share my experiences and reflections on the English curriculum in the first semester.


Main Body


1. Language Skills Development


In the first semester, we focused on developing the four basic language skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Our English teacher introduced interesting activities and games to improve our listening ability. We also practiced speaking through role-plays and presentations. For reading, we explored different genres of literature, such as short stories, poems, and newspaper articles. Writing exercises included letters, essays, and diary entries. Through these activities, I gradually enhanced my language proficiency.


2. Vocabulary Expansion


To build a solid foundation for our English vocabulary, we were encouraged to expand our word bank. We learned new words and phrases through vocabulary exercises, word games, and flashcards. Additionally, our teacher introduced us to various vocabulary-building websites and mobile applications. These resources made vocabulary learning both effective and enjoyable.


3. Cultural Understanding


Apart from language skills, we also delved into English-speaking cultures. We explored the celebrations, customs, and traditions of English-speaking countries. This helped us understand cultural differences and appreciate the diversity in our world. We even had a multicultural day at school where we presented different aspects of various cultures. It was a great opportunity to broaden our knowledge and appreciate different perspectives.




The first semester of my second year in junior high school has been an enriching period of English learning. I have witnessed my language skills improve, expanded my vocabulary, and deepened my understanding of different cultures. The English curriculum has provided me with valuable knowledge and skills that will undoubtedly benefit me in the future. I look forward to continuing my English journey and exploring even more in the next semester.






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