




Title: Making Efforts in English Composition

As an English student, I understand the importance of putting in efforts to improve my composition skills. Writing in English not only helps me express my thoughts and ideas, but it also enhances my overall language proficiency. Therefore, I strive to continuously work on developing my English writing abilities.


To begin with, I believe that reading plays a crucial role in improving one's writing skills. By reading extensively, I am exposed to various writing styles, sentence structures, and vocabulary, which I can later incorporate into my own compositions. Moreover, reading helps me expand my knowledge and gain new perspectives, which in turn enriches the content of my essays.


Another aspect I focus on is practicing grammar and sentence structure. A strong foundation in grammar ensures that my sentences are grammatically accurate and coherent. I devote time to study grammar rules, practice sentence formation, and seek feedback from teachers or peers to improve my writing. Additionally, I make use of various resources, such as online grammar exercises and related grammar textbooks, to strengthen my understanding of grammar concepts.


Furthermore, I actively seek opportunities to practice writing. This includes partiting in essay competitions, joining writing clubs or workshops, and even creating my own blog or diary to regularly engage in writing activities. By consistently practicing writing, I am able to apply what I have learned and develop my own writing style. Moreover, receiving feedback from teachers or professional writers helps me identify areas that need improvement and refine my skills.


In conclusion, I firmly believe that efforts in English composition is essential for language development. Through extensive reading, practicing grammar, and actively engaging in writing activities, I am continuously improving my writing skills. I am confident that my hard work will lead to significant progress and enable me to communicate effectively in written English.



Effort is an attitude. It has nothing to do with your age. Someone has been working hard when he is already.

He found his dream job the next year. His name is Barack Obama. His new job is the president of the United States.

Another man thinks his golden age is over, so he gives up and accepts the status quo. No one knows his name. No one cares No, trying is not just for children.

It has nothing to do with time. It is not an obligation imposed on you by others. It is a desire for a better self.

It is deeply rooted in your heart. This is a positive attitude towards life. The most terrible thing that may happen in your life is whether you try and fail, but you give up and tell yourself that ordinary is precious.




As long as you work hard, you will get something. This is my motto. I believe that as long as you work hard, you can get something.

You should put more energy into your work. This is a world-wide pioneering effort. It is fully worth the Nobel Prize.

He has been working hard and trying to pay off his debts.







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