
关于”劳动节的一天“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Labor Day。以下是关于劳动节的一天的高中英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。


关于”劳动节的一天“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Labor Day。以下是关于劳动节的一天的高中英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Labor Day

A Day on Labor Day

Labor Day is a special holiday that honors the contributions and achievements of workers. It is celebrated on the first Monday in September in many countries around the world, including the United States. On this day, people have the opportunity to relax, spend time with family and friends, and engage in various activities.

In the morning, I woke up feeling excited about the day ahead. I decided to start my day by partiting in a local Labor Day parade. The streets were filled with colorful floats, music, and people waving flags. It was a sight to behold! I joined the parade with my friends and we marched proudly, carrying signs that showcased our appreciation for workers.

After the parade, my family and I went to a nearby park for a picnic. We brought delicious food, played games, and enjoyed the beautiful weather. It was a great opportunity to bond with my loved ones and appreciate the simple pleasures of life.

In the afternoon, we visited a museum that was hosting a special exhibition about the history of workers' rights. It was fascinating to learn about the struggles and triumphs of workers throughout the years. The exhibition included photographs, artifacts, and interactive displays that brought the stories to life.

In the evening, we attended a fireworks display to celebrate Labor Day. The sky lit up with vibrant colors and patterns as the fireworks exploded. It was a mesmerizing sight that filled everyone with awe and wonder. We cheered and clapped, grateful for the hard work and dedication of workers that made such celebrations possible.

As the day came to an end, I reflected on the importance of Labor Day. It is a day to acknowledge and appreciate the laborers who contribute to the growth and development of our society. It is a day to recognize their efforts and achievements, and to ensure their rights and well-being.








International Labor Day, also known as may day, is celebrated on the first day of May, because people may know that labor day is to rest on this day, but most countries do not know how this day came and the story behind it. At the end of the century, in order to make more money, cruel capitalists asked their employers to work all day long, but only gave them low wages. In the United States, workers have to work at least a few hours a day.

Sometimes, because of unfair pay, they even work for a long time. Workers know that they must stand up and fight for their rights, or they will die young. Then the workers begin to strike and demand that the reasonable working hours should be a few hours a day.

The capitalists do not pay attention to the workers' demands You have to fight for your rights. On May 1st, unions in the United States and Canada held the largest strike after that day, and the law passed the rules on the working hours of workers. The strike made it unnecessary for workers to endure long hours of low paid work.

International Labor Day commemorates the spirit of bravery and the happiness of former workers who have made great contributions to today.





I had a quick holiday. On May 1st, we went to the zoo. It was very crowded.

So many tourists from all over the country had a good time during the holiday. On May 2, my parents and I went to relatives' house. We had a big lunch together.

On May 3, the restaurant was very crowded. We went shopping in the shopping mall. After shopping, we went to see a new movie.

I didn't go anywhere for the rest of the days, not only because I had some homework, but also there were crowded festivals everywhere.






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