my model英语作文_高中高分英语作文2篇

关于”my model“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:My Model。以下是关于my model的高中英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

my model英语作文_高中高分英语作文2篇

关于”my model“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:My Model。以下是关于my model的高中英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:My Model

My Model

I have always admired students who excel in their studies, demonstrate exemplary behavior, and possess leadership qualities. Today, I would like to introduce my model student - Linda.

Linda is an exceptional student who consistently achieves outstanding grades in all her subjects. She approaches her studies with great enthusiasm and dedication, constantly seeking to expand her knowledge. Not only does she excel academically, but she also displays a thirst for learning that inspires those around her.

What truly sets Linda apart is her impeccable behavior. She is always respectful towards her teachers and classmates, treating everyone with kindness and empathy. She is a great listener and offers support to anyone who needs it. Linda knows how to maintain a harmonious and inclusive atmosphere in the claoom, it a safe and pleasant environment for everyone to thrive.

In addition to her academic achievements and positive attitude, Linda possesses exceptional leadership skills. She is often chosen as a group leader for various projects due to her ability to organize and motivate others. Linda understands that effective teamwork is crucial for success and ensures that every member of her group has a voice and feels valued. Her natural leadership qualities inspire others to work together and achieve their goals.

As her peer, I am constantly inspired and motivated by Linda's qualities. Her dedication, respect, and leadership are admirable and serve as a great example for all of us. She not only strives for personal excellence but also encourages her peers to do the same. Linda humbly shares her knowledge and helps others whenever she can, embodying the true spirit of a model student.

To conclude, Linda is an outstanding student who embodies the qualities of academic excellence, exemplary behavior, and exceptional leadership. Her dedication and positive influence make her a role model not only for me but for everyone in our school. She is a shining example of what a model student should be, and I am truly honored to have her as my model.









My Role Model

When it comes to my role model, I have always looked up to my mother. She is a strong, independent, and compassionate woman who always puts the needs of others before her own. She has taught me many valuable lessons and has shown me what it means to be a kind and caring person.

One of the things I admire most about my mother is her work ethic. She is a hard worker and always gives 100% effort in everything she does. Whether it is her job, taking care of the family, or pursuing her own interests, she is always dedicated and determined. She has taught me the importance of perseverance and the value of hard work.

In addition, my mother is incredibly compassionate towards others. She always goes out of her way to help those in need and is always there to lend a listening ear or a helping hand. She has shown me the importance of empathy and the impact that acts of kindness can have on someone's life. Her selflessness and generosity inspire me to be a better person.

Furthermore, my mother is a strong and independent woman. She has overcome many challenges in her life and has never let them define her. She has taught me to be resilient and to believe in myself, even in the face of adversity. I admire her strength and determination to never give up.

In conclusion, my mother is my role model because of her work ethic, compassion, and strength. She has always been there for me, supporting and guiding me through life. I aspire to be like her and hope to make her proud. She is not only my mother but also my greatest inspiration.

满分英语范文3:my model

I love model airplanes. Now I have six model planes, four fighter planes and two bombers. Apart from their size, you can hardly see the difference between my model plane and a real one.

It's very interesting to make a model plane. Making a model plane is not only an interesting thing, but also a very meticulous work. First of all, you must cut the parts from the plastic template.

① be careful not to damage the fragile parts; ② don't use too much glue; ③ if you stick the parts together according to the instructions, then you can paint them, which will damage the suce. The most important step is to make the plane more like a real plane. Finally, a delicate airplane will be born in your hands.

I like to make model airplanes, but also because I like airplanes. I always hope to be an aircraft designer because I am a child. Now I am a high school student.

I hardly have time to make model airplanes. I hope to go to university and make real airplanes for our country.








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