
关于”常考类型“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Commonly tested types。以下是关于常考类型的高考英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。


关于”常考类型“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Commonly tested types。以下是关于常考类型的高考英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Commonly tested types


1. Descriptive Essay 描述性作文

This type of essay requires the writer to describe a person, place, event, or object in detail.


2. Narrative Essay 叙事性作文

In a narrative essay, the writer tells a story or recounts an experience.


3. Argumentative Essay 议论性作文

An argumentative essay requires the writer to present a well-reasoned argument on a specific topic, supported by evidence and examples.


4. Persuasive Essay 劝说性作文

In a persuasive essay, the writer aims to convince the reader to adopt their viewpoint or take a particular action.


5. Compare and Contrast Essay 对比与比较作文

This type of essay requires the writer to yze and highlight the similarities and differences between two or more subjects.


6. Problem-Solution Essay 问题解决作文

In a problem-solution essay, the writer identifies a specific problem and proposes possible solutions or actions to address it.


7. Opinion Essay 观点作文

An opinion essay requires the writer to express their personal opinion on a particular topic and support it with reasons and examples.


8. Cause and Effect Essay 因果关系作文

This type of essay explores the causes and effects of a specific event, phenomenon, or situation.


9. Process Essay 过程作文

A process essay explains how to do something or how something works, providing a step-by-step guide or explanation.


10. Personal Reflection Essay 个人反思作文

In a personal reflection essay, the writer shares their thoughts, feelings, and experiences on a particular topic or event.




1. 议论文 (Argumentative Essay)


An argumentative essay is a common type of essay in the English exams. This type of essay requires the author to express an opinion and support it through ysis, comparison, contrast, and other means.

2. 图表作文 (Graph Description Essay)


A graph description essay requires students to describe, yze and summarize the given charts, tables or figures. This essay not only requires students to describe the diagram, but also to draw a conclusion from it, and put forward suggestions or solutions based on the conclusion.

3. 说明文 (Expository Essay)


An expository essay is an article mainly explaining things. The content of the article is usually about a specific topic, such as local customs, a particular craft or a social problem. Through this type of essay, the author can introduce and explain something to readers.

4. 应用文 (Application Letter)


An application letter is a kind of letter of application, mainly aimed at college or job opportunities. This type of letter usually includes personal information about the applicant, as well as their contributions and plans for future academic or professional fields.

5. 比较作文 (Compare and Contrast Essay)


A compare and contrast essay is a common type of essay in the English exams. This type of essay requires the author to compare two or more things and draw conclusions from them. The objects of comparison can be anything, including places, people, things, concepts, and so on.


1. 说明文 (explanation essay)


Explanation essay is an article used to explain something, which can be a popular science article or a product introduction. Explanation essay can use techniques such as charts and ilrations to better explain the issue.

2. 议论文 (argumentative essay)


Argumentative essay is an article that an author uses to express his own point of view and persuade readers. The structure of an argumentative essay generally includes an introduction, body, and conclusion, with the main body being based on the author's point of view.

3. 议论文 (persuasive essay)


Persuasive essay is an article that focuses on persuading readers, emphasizing the author's supported opinions or arguments, and attempting to make readers accept these opinions or arguments. Persuasive essays usually support the author's views by using evidence or data.

4. 描写文 (descriptive essay)


Descriptive essay is an article used to describe things, people, places, etc. By using vivid adjectives and verbs, descriptive essays can create visual, auditory, olfactory, and other senses for readers.

5. 故事文 (narrative essay)


Narrative essay is an article that an author uses to tell a true or fictional story. Narrative essays can be novels, memoirs, biographies, and other types of stories.

6. 比较文 (comparison essay)


Comparison essay is an article that an author uses to compare two or more things, concepts, etc. Comparison essay can compare them by listing their similarities and differences.

7. 对比文 (contrast essay)


Contrast essay is an article that compares two or more things, concepts, etc., emphasizing their differences. Contrast essays usually use a comparison structure, directly comparing two or more objects side by side.




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