
关于”2022“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:In English, 2022 can be translated as two thousand twenty-two.。以下是关于2022的中考英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。


关于”2022“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:In English, 2022 can be translated as two thousand twenty-two.。以下是关于2022的中考英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:In English, 2022 can be translated as two thousand twenty-two.

2022 Middle School English Composition






With the passage of time, we have crossed 2021 and welcomed the brand new 2022. In this year, we will face many tests, but at the same time there are many opportunities. At this new starting point, how should we strive for a better future?

First of all, we should always maintain a positive attitude. No matter what difficulties we face, we should not be discouraged, but should seek opportunities and draw experiences from them. We should believe that we have the ability to solve problems and have the courage to face challenges.

Secondly, we should focus on learning and improving our abilities. Whether it is learning knowledge or cultivating skills, it requires continuous efforts and persistence. Mastering a language, learning a technology, developing an interest, these will lay a solid foundation for our future.

Finally, we should pay attention to others, be willing to help, and enhance our sense of social responsibility. We should pay attention to partiting in social activities, caring about social issues, and actively partiting in volunteer services and other activities. This can not only exercise our abilities but also let us better understand and integrate into society, and make contributions to the development and progress of society.

In conclusion, 2022 is a year worth looking forward to. Let us work together to pursue a better future. Let positive attitudes, outstanding abilities, and a high sense of social responsibility accompany us all the way, injecting more power and confidence into every milestone of our lives.


In recent years, plastic surgery has become very popular, especially among young people who think it's important for their appearance confidence, or when looking for a job, others think it's wrong to change the characteristics we inherited from our parents. What do you think of plastic surgery? Plastic surgery should be an individual choice, and some people may think that plastic surgery is a waste of time and money. Surgeons can be better employed in more traditional industries and life-saving hospitals.

I believe that plastic surgery will always exist. In fact, it plays a very important role in today's society. For some people in the country, most cosmetic surgery There are two types of people: one is women of several years old who want to improve their career; the other is that women in their 40s who want to have younger looking mothers have surgery to improve their chances of finding a good job or a good husband.

Some may say that compared with patients with defective or ugly flaws who need more plastic surgery, These are just trivial reasons for cosmetic surgery. I think these people only express their right to choose when there is a risk of error in surgery, and when there is a large financial bill at the end of the day, most reputable hospitals will warn patients of the risks involved at the end of the day, and whether they choose correctly or not ultimately depends on the individual choice. Plastic surgery is accurate Some elderly women like cosmetic surgery to regain the beauty of their youth.

Some believe that the appearance of aging also reflects a decline in the brain. Therefore, cosmetic surgery will rejuvenate the body and mind, although plastic surgery can There are risks. In today's competitive job market, the return is always higher.

Some people think that artificially enhancing their appearance gives them an advantage over their compes, while beauty may be superficial. This is the first thing that prospective employers will see and judge.




American Revolution the American Revolution was not a sudden and violent subversion of the political and social framework. For example, it happened in France and Russia. At that time, the two independent countries ushered in major changes, but they were not breathtaking.

What happened in the conflict was accelerated evolution, not a complete revolution. People continued to work, pray, get married and play, Most of them were not seriously disturbed by actual combat, and many isolated communities hardly knew that a war was a war against America. The war of independence proclaimed the birth of three modern countries, one was Canada, which received the first English speaking population from thousands of loyalists who fled from the United States, and the other was Australia, in the United States Without prisoners and creditors, it became a colony of criminals.

The United States is fully in accordance with the principles of the Republic, but even the political subversion is not as revolutionary as people think. Especially in Connecticut and Rhode Island, the war has largely approved the autonomy of the colonies. The existing British officials have been ousted and replaced by a local ruling class.

They quickly seek a place Fang replaced the king and Parliament.






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