
关于”感动中国“的英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:Touching China。以下是关于感动中国的高中英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。


关于”感动中国“的英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:Touching China。以下是关于感动中国的高中英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Touching China

Qian Xuesen was born on June, and after he obtained his doctorate in the United States, he engaged in research. Later, in order to break through the resistance and return to the motherland, he ordered the establishment of China's first and Missile Research Institute, the Fifth Research Institute of the Ministry of national defense. Since then, the cause of new China's , missile and aerospace started.

Up to now, Qian Xuesen has been fighting for the motherland for more than half a century, and he was awarded "national outstanding" In his mind, the medal of "two bombs and one star meritorious service" is in his mind, which is calculated by weight and takes light as home. Most of the lightest ways of science and fame and fortune come back for five years. Like two bombs, he opened the space.

First, he split the thorns and forged the ladder of wisdom. Then he left pan Dengzhe, the treasure house of knowledge, and science is the flag of the Chinese nation The banner is the model of intellectuals.




Title: An Inspiring Student in China


In today's society, being an outstanding student goes beyond academic achievements. It requires individuals to possess qualities of kindness, empathy, and the ability to inspire others. One such student who has touched the hearts of many in China is Li Ming.


Li Ming, a high school student from a rural village, has shown incredible perseverance and determination in pursuit of his education. Despite facing financial difficulties, he never allowed his cirtances to hinder him from achieving his goals. Li was always the first to arrive and the last to leave the claoom, maximizing his learning time and the most of the limited resources available.


What makes Li Ming truly exceptional is his commitment to helping others. He initiated a tutoring program for younger students in his village who were struggling with their studies. Every weekend, Li would gather the students and patiently guide them through their schoolwork. His selflessness and dedication not only improved the academic performance of his peers but also instilled in them a sense of confidence and belief in their abilities.


Apart from academics, Li Ming actively partites in community service projects. He volunteers at local orphanages, spending time with the children and brightening their lives with his infectious smile. His acts of kindness have had a profound impact on these children, reminding them that they are not alone and that there are people who care for them.


Li Ming's achievements and compassionate acts have earned him the admiration and respect of not only his teachers and peers but also the wider community. He has become a role model for many young students in China, showing them that with determination and a kind heart, anyone can make a difference.


In conclusion, Li Ming is an exemplary student who embodies the values of resilience, compassion, and service. He has not only excelled academically but has also made a lasting impact on the lives of others. It is students like Li who inspire us to be better versions of ourselves and make a positive difference in our communities.











Inspirational Figures in China

China, a country with a history spanning thousands of years, has given birth to numerous inspirational figures. These individuals have made significant contributions to the development and progress of the nation, and their stories have touched the hearts of the Chinese people.

One such inspirational figure is Confucius, an ancient philosopher and educator. Confucius's teachings on ethics, morality, and social harmony have had a profound impact on Chinese society. His emphasis on filial piety, loyalty, and respect for authority continues to shape the values and behavior of Chinese people today.

Another notable figure is Lei Feng, a soldier who gained fame for his selflessness and dedication to serving others. Lei Feng's story, filled with countless acts of kindness and generosity, has inspired generations of Chinese citizens to become more compassionate and considerate towards others.

Zhou Enlai, the first Premier of the People's Republic of China, is also remembered as an inspirational figure. Zhou played a key role in the establishment of modern China and dedicated his life to public service. His leadership during challenging times, his humility, and his commitment to the welfare of the Chinese people continue to be admired throughout the nation.

Moreover, Li Na, a renowned tennis player, has inspired millions of Chinese people with her determination and resilience. Despite facing numerous obstacles and setbacks, Li Na managed to become a Grand Slam champion, representing not only herself but also the aspirations and dreams of countless aspiring athletes in China.

These figures, among many others, have left an indelible mark on the people of China. Their stories serve as a reminder that perseverance, kindness, and dedication can lead to great achievements and have a positive impact on society.












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