英语二 大作文_托福满分英语作文4篇

关于”二 大“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Two large。以下是关于二 大的托福英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

英语二 大作文_托福满分英语作文4篇

关于”二 大“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Two large。以下是关于二 大的托福英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Two large

I get on well with my best friend, but we are so different, more interesting and outgoing than me, I am more serious. He is more athletic and likes to take part in all kinds of sports, but I am more intelligent in study. My friends are wilder than me.

I am calm. He was tall and thin, strong, with short hair. Sometimes he was careless and lazy.

On the other hand, I was short and fat, weak and had short hair. He is very helpful because I am lazy and don't want to do any sports. I will help him with his study.





A woman told the doctor, "every time I drink coffee, my eyes hurt." the doctor said, "well, maybe you should take the s out of the car. A woman had a dent in her car and took it to the garage. The repairman decided to have some fun, so he told her that all she had to do was take it home and blow it in the exhaust pipe for a few minutes until the dent itself came out.

A lady, a lady's friend, came up and asked her what she was doing. I wanted to get the dent out, but it didn't work.



满分英语范文3:二 大

Breakfast only two meals as my husband and I celebrated our wedding anniversary in our favorite restaurant, Lenny, the pianist, asked, "how do you do that?" ; I know there are no easy answers, but as the weekend approaches, one of the reasons I want to know may be our habit of having breakfast in bed every Saay and Sunday all of this was that she had high hopes for her daughter, and my beloved bridegroom felt guilty about taking this letter to heart, and I suggested that we take turns, despite complaints that "I hate the crumbs in my bed.". On Sunday morning, my spouse was eagerly waiting for his plate. Soon, these weekend breakfasts became part of our lives, and I never even thought about them.

All I know is that we cherish this separate, happy time, read books, relax, forget about the things we should remember. I remember how our weekends changed, but we still have our family building ceremony (as new parents, we sleep more after breakfast than we read, but we always find a place to go back to where we started and eat only two breakfasts One on Saay, one on Sunday when we had more time, my tray became more festive, first of all fruit slices placed in geometric patterns, and then flowers from our garden sometimes had only one bud sprouting from a gfruit. My arrangement had developed a gift for decoration, using buds from amaranth to maple.

My husband said my cooking inspired his mother, perhaps on Saay, when big strawberries Wearing a daisy hat, I began to think, on a dark winter night, I woke up to see a snowman on a tray. That Sunday, I shoveled a handful of snow, and soon I put a miniature pine cone on his head.


早餐只吃两顿 当我和丈夫在我们最喜欢的餐厅庆祝结婚周年纪念日时,钢琴演奏家伦尼问:“你怎么做到的?”;我知道没有简单的答案,但随着周末的临近,我想知道其中一个原因可能是我们每个星期六和星期天在床上吃早餐的习惯 这一切都是,她对女儿寄予厚望我敬爱的新郎把这封信放在心上感到内疚,我建议我们轮流去,尽管有人抱怨说“讨厌我床上的面包屑”。星期天早上,我的配偶急切地等着他的盘子。很快,这些周末的早餐就成了我们生活中的一部分,我甚至从未想过这些。

我只知道我们珍惜这段分开的,幸福的时光,读书,放松,忘掉那些我们应该记住的事情吧,我回忆起我们的周末是如何改变的,但我们仍然保留着我们组建家庭的仪式(作为新父母,我们早餐后睡觉比看书多,但我们总能找到回到我们开始的地方,只吃两顿早餐,一个在周六,一个在周日 当我们有更多的时间,我的托盘变得更喜庆首先是水果片放置在几何图案,然后鲜花从我们的花园有时只有一个花蕾从一个葡萄柚发芽一半我的安排已经发展了一个装饰的天赋,使用从苋菜到枫树的芽我丈夫说我的烹饪激发了的灵感也许是在周六,当大草莓戴着雏菊帽的时候我开始想,在一个漆黑的冬夜里,我醒来时看到托盘上有一个雪人。那个星期天,我铲了一把雪,很快我就把一个微型松果放在他的头上。




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