
关于”一天的生活“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:A Day's Life。以下是关于一天的生活的中考英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。


关于”一天的生活“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:A Day's Life。以下是关于一天的生活的中考英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:A Day's Life

I get up in the morning, wash the brush, cycle to school, and have formal cl. One day, we have two large cl. We have a few minutes to rest.

I will chat with my classmates in the teaching building. The class time is: minutes from school to my home. This is my schedule.

I like reading novels, telling stories about ancient Chinese palaces. I often browse international activities under the Internet at home. I will go to the community in the evening Walking the dog outside is my daily life.




Have you seen the movie hero? You may like the people in the movies, but I don't think they are real heroes. In my heart, Chinese astronaut Yang Liwei is a real hero. He is the first man in China to land on the moon.

He has successfully completed his journey to the moon. Although there are also many difficulties, he has brought many difficulties. As an astronaut, we have courage and knowledge.

In order to successfully complete this special trip, we should learn from him and build our country into a world A stronger country. We Chinese people are proud to have such an outstanding space hero.




One late afternoon, I was walking slowly down the street with my head down on my way home from school. The scenery on both sides of the street is beautiful, but I have no interest in them at all. I walked and walked, thinking about what happened that day.

Just a few minutes before the second class started that afternoon, I was asked to go to the teacher's office. I heard the teacher speak to my mother angrily. How dare you go to the cinema without permission this morning? My mother said in a loud voice and slapped me heavily.

I looked at my mother and was stunned I walked more slowly, because I saw the house in front of me. My mother always stood at the door. At this time of day, she was not around me.

But now, she is not there. My heart leaps faster and faster. I even dare not open the door for fear that my mother will call again.

I don't know what to do. I sit down On the ground near the door, I was in deep pain for all I had done. Suddenly, a soft hand patted my head.

I looked up and saw my mother standing beside me. I couldn't help crying. My mother's tears rolled down my cheek.



就在那天下午第二节课开始的前几分钟,我被要求去老师办公室我听到老师生气地跟我妈妈说话‰你今天早上怎么敢不经允许去看电影?妈妈用大嗓门说,重重地扇了我一耳光,我看着妈妈,目瞪口呆 我走得更慢了,因为我看到了我前面的房子,妈妈总是站在门口,每天这个时候,她不在我身边,但现在,她不在,我的心跳越来越快,我甚至不敢开门,生怕妈妈再打一次;我不知道该怎么办,我坐在门附近的地上,为我所做的一切自责,我陷入了深深的痛苦之中;突然一只柔软的手轻拍着我的头,我抬起头来,看到了妈妈站在我旁边我忍不住哭了,妈妈的眼泪顺着我的脸颊滚滚而下。




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