
关于”假期安排“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Holiday Arrangements。以下是关于假期安排的高考英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。


关于”假期安排“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Holiday Arrangements。以下是关于假期安排的高考英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Holiday Arrangements

Title: Holiday Plans


Summer is coming, and it's time to make plans for the upcoming holiday. As a student, it is important to balance leisure activities with academic development. Here is my proposed schedule for the holiday.


Firstly, I will allocate a significant amount of time for relaxation and enjoyment. After a hectic semester, it's essential to recharge both mentally and physically. With my friends and family, I plan to go on a short vacation to the countryside. We will explore beautiful natural landscapes, go hiking, and have picnics. This will be a great opportunity to unwind and create lasting memories.


Secondly, I recognize the importance of continuous learning. During the holiday, I plan to dedicate some time each day to enhance my English language skills. I will read English novels, watch English movies with subtitles, and practice speaking with native speakers. I believe this will not only improve my linguistic abilities but also broaden my horizons and understanding of different cultures.


Furthermore, I aim to give back to society during my holidays. Volunteering not only allows me to contribute to the community but also helps me develop empathy and compassion. I plan to volunteer at a local orphanage, spending quality time with the children and organizing educational activities for them. This experience will undoubtedly be rewarding and fulfilling.


Lastly, I understand the significance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Regular exercise, proper sleep, and a well-balanced diet are essential for overall well-being. I plan to engage in physical activities such as swimming, jogging, and playing sports with my friends. Additionally, I will focus on consuming nutritious meals to keep my energy levels high and maintain good health throughout the holiday.


In conclusion, my holiday plans reflect a balance between relaxation, personal growth, giving back, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. By following this schedule, I aim to make the most of my vacation while also preparing myself for the upcoming academic challenges.



1. allocate (v) - 分配

2. recharge (v) - 充电,恢复活力

3. countryside (n) - 乡村

4. unwind (v) - 放松,舒展

5. enhance (v) - 提高,增强

6. linguistic (adj) - 语言的

7. broaden (v) - 开阔,拓宽

8. empathy (n) - 同理心

9. compassion (n) - 怜悯,同情

10. rewarding (adj) - 有益的,值得做的

11. fulfilling (adj) - 充实的,满意的

12. maintain (v) - 保持

13. overall (adj) - 整体的

14. nutritious (adj) - 有营养的

15. upcoming (adj) - 即将来临的


Title: Vacation Plans


As an exemplary student, I always strive to make the best use of my time, even during holidays. I believe that vacation is not only a time for relaxation but also an opportunity for growth and self-improvement. Therefore, I have carefully planned my vacation to ensure a productive and enjoyable experience.


To begin with, I have decided to engage in various English learning activities. I will allocate a certain amount of time each day to practice my English conversation skills with native speakers through online language exchange platforms. This will not only improve my fluency but also enhance my cultural understanding.


Additionally, I plan to read English novels and watch English movies during my vacation. This will not only broaden my vocabulary but also improve my reading and listening skills. I will make a list of classic novels and popular movies to ensure a diversified learning experience.


Apart from English learning, I will also devote some time to physical activities to keep myself fit. I plan to join a local sports club and partite in outdoor games such as football and swimming. Engaging in physical activities not only improves my health but also helps me to develop teamwork and leadership skills.


Lastly, I believe in giving back to society, even during holidays. Therefore, I plan to volunteer at a local charity organization. This will provide me with the opportunity to contribute to the community and develop a sense of empathy and compassion towards others.


In conclusion, a vacation is not just a break from school but also an opportunity for personal growth. By engaging in English learning activities, physical exercises, and community service, I aim to make the most of my vacation. I am confident that these plans will contribute to my overall development and help me become an even better student.





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