
关于”小我的一天“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:A Small Part of My Day。以下是关于小我的一天的三年级英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。


关于”小我的一天“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:A Small Part of My Day。以下是关于小我的一天的三年级英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:A Small Part of My Day

His baby face, so you never wanted to hurt anyone. I think you're full of it. Yes, if you really don't want to hurt anyone, you won't have with my best friend babyan to insult my injury.

You're not careful. When the whole world is witnessing my embarrassment, how can you stick a knife into my body and fall in love with him? How can you give your heart to him and think we are You will grow old like a lover until the end of your life. How can you fall in love with him? I know we have had good times and bad times, I admit, but sometimes lovers go astray, but you let it last forever.

I can't understand that my heart is not that big. No, I can't bear the pain. I can't be with him.

But how can you love him? How can you give your heart to him? How can you give him your heart and think we will grow old like a lover until finally, how can you fall in love with him.




My day my name is Anna. One day I was very busy. I got up, took a bath and made a quick meal.

Then I went to school by subway. I had lunch in the afternoon. I had three cl after school.

I went home and was at home. I had to do her homework while I was sleeping.




I had a very happy weekend with my classmates because we did a very interesting thing. On Saay, we got up early and met at the school gate. Then we took the bus to the nursing home to see the elderly.

All the old people are happy to see us. We talked to them and helped them do some cleaning work we brought, such as apples, pears, oranges and other fruits. We sang together.

Some people sang with usat in the afternoon. We had to say goodbye to them. They thank us and asked us to see them again.

We should visit them after the exam.








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