
关于”介绍一个朋友“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Introduce a Friend。以下是关于介绍一个朋友的高中英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。


关于”介绍一个朋友“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Introduce a Friend。以下是关于介绍一个朋友的高中英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Introduce a Friend

Recently, a good friend of mine, since the first day of kindergarten, I have shared almost everything with him. Since I moved to a new town a few years ago, we have been looking forward to several times in a year when we can meet on weekends. We spent hours staying up late in the night, talking about the people around her.

She began to tell me the story of her new boyfriend, and close it In the story of how he tried drugs and other self destructs. I was shocked. She told me that she had been lying to her parents, saying where she was going, or even sneaking out to see the man, because they didn't want her to be around him, no matter how hard I told her she should get better, she didn't believe that her self-esteem seemed to disappear, and I tried to convince her that she was destroying her future and going to big trouble.

I felt like I had nothing but I was just I can't believe she really thinks that being with a group of people is an acceptable loser, especially her boyfriend. When she leaves, I really worry about her and I am exhausted by the frustrating experience. On weekends, I almost told her that maybe we are too far away to continue our friendship, but I have not put the strength of friendship As the ultimate test, we have been friends for too long.

I hope she takes me seriously enough to know that I want to save her from hurting herself. She believes that our friendship can conquer everything in a few days. She calls to say she has considered our conversation for a long time, and then she tells me that she broke up with her boyfriend.

I listened at the other end of the phone, and tears of joy ran down my face. It was one of the most meaningful moments of my life, and I never was so proud of a friend of Daniel Fisher.





My Friend


I have a very good friend named Li Hua. She is a smart and friendly girl.


Li Hua is an excellent student. She always ranks at the top of our class and often receives scholarships. She is particularly interested in English, which she says is one of her favorite subjects. Moreover, she is passionate about reading and writing. Every time I encounter difficulties in English learning, she is always willing to help me and share her learning experiences with me.


In addition to studying, Li Hua is also involved in many other activities. She is a member of the school's table tennis team, where she excels and achieves good results in competitions. She is also a member of the student council and actively partites in organizing various events. She is always willing to help classmates in need and enjoys working with them.


Li Hua is not only smart but also friendly. She always smiles when communicating with everyone and offers help and encouragement. She is good at listening to others' problems and providing positive advice. Therefore, she is widely respected and loved in our class.


I am lucky to be friends with Li Hua. Her intelligence and friendly nature make her one of my best friends.

Through knowing Li Hua, I have learned the importance of hard work, kindness, and the willingness to help others. I am truly grateful to have such a wonderful friend in my life.







Introducing a Friend

My dear friends, today I am going to introduce to you one of my best friends, Lily. She is undoubtedly an outstanding student who possesses numerous admirable qualities.

Lily is a diligent and dedicated learner. She always attends cl attentively and takes detailed notes. Her determination to succeed in academics is truly inspiring. In addition, she is not only a hard worker but also a quick learner. She grasps new concepts easily and applies them effectively in her studies. It is no surprise that she consistently achieves outstanding grades in all subjects.

Furthermore, Lily is an excellent communicator. She has excellent oral and written communication skills, which enable her to express her thoughts and ideas clearly. She actively partites in class discussions and is always willing to share her opinions. Her ability to communicate effectively has also made her an invaluable member of various group projects.

What sets Lily apart from others is her compassionate and empathetic nature. She is always willing to lend a helping hand to those in need. Whether it is tutoring her classmates, volunteering at local charities, or simply offering a listening ear, Lily is constantly looking for ways to make a positive impact on others' lives.

Aside from her academic achievements, Lily is also an exceptionally talented artist. Her drawings and paintings depict her vibrant creativity and unique perspective on the world. Lily's artwork has even been showcased in several local exhibitions, earning her numerous accolades and recognition.

In conclusion, Lily is an exemplary student who embodies the qualities of dedication, communication, compassion, and artistic talent. Her ability to excel academically while nurturing her creative side is truly remarkable. I am privileged to have such an exceptional friend like Lily, and I am certain that she will continue to make remarkable achievements in all aspects of her life.










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