Espera Hejmloko promise land ( 希望之乡 )
Watch hometown Missing My Hometown LookHomeward ( 望故乡 )
Tamarind Village Hotel Chiang Mai Tamarind Village Tamarind Village Chiang Mai ( 清迈罗望乡村酒店 )
Country Stone homeward stone ( 望乡石 )
1. i hope you're around to take a look at it.
2. Eyes raised, i see the moon so bright.
3. i wish i knew my heart! The secret look
7. she asked , glancing up at him almost furtively.
8. Now that you're here All my worries are gone
9. You're not Lesgate. Swan. C.J. Swan.
10. Ahh.. You should probably give up
11. nozomu koto ha nani? 望むことは何?
12. Come on, guys, the dolls are here! Stargazer, stargazer, stargazer. Stargazer, stargazer, stargazer, stargazer...
13. Urban or rural evacuations?
14. They did not want anything bad... ... but thought that it was the best thing for them... can give.
译文:他们将忘忧树的果实赠与水手 绝无恶意 但望来客能品尝忘忧乡之精华。
15. it knows not its own desire