猪笼入水用英语怎么说 猪笼入水英语翻译

猪笼入水通常被翻译为"inhalant pore"的意思,还经常被译作inspiratory current,在《实用英语词典》中,共找到56个与猪笼入水相关的翻译和例句。

猪笼入水用英语怎么说 猪笼入水英语翻译

猪笼入水通常被翻译为"inhalant pore"的意思,还经常被译作inspiratory current,在《实用英语词典》中,共找到56个与猪笼入水相关的翻译和例句。

5. Parade you through the streets in a cage

6. This pitcher is called Nepenthes lowii.

7. it's nutmeg. Put it in the water.

8. The digested remains of it's booty will end up in the water providing instant food for the plant.

译文:它也需要把战利品分一部分给猪笼草, 来给猪笼草提供营养。

9. Put her in the pig cage tomorrow.

10. i impulsively jumped into the river.

11. When i light the candle and get into the water,

12. We are in the water now, captain!

13. Drawn to the pitcher’s vivid colors and alluring scent, the fly closes in and slurps its nectar.

译文:这只苍蝇被猪笼草的艳丽颜色 和诱人气味所吸引, 它靠近猪笼草并啜饮其花蜜。

14. Countries are going underwater.

15. Wver did this tried to weigh the body down.


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