愧对用英语怎么说 愧对的英语翻译

愧对的英语是"  Unworthy",还经常被译作feel guilty for,在《荷林斯英英小词典》中,共找到91个与愧对相关的译文和例句。

愧对用英语怎么说 愧对的英语翻译

愧对的英语是"  Unworthy",还经常被译作feel guilty for,在《荷林斯英英小词典》中,共找到91个与愧对相关的译文和例句。

autonomy verses shame and doubt ( 自主对羞愧怀疑 )

1. The scene where he first touches Elizabeth Perkins' alone is worth the Oscar nomination he got for the role, his first of five.


2. You see what caring about saes unworthy of your status brings?

3. Actually, i think that's all i learned, which is why i think i owe it to myself to try something new.

译文:事实上,我觉得自己就学会这个了 所以我愧对自己,我要接触外面的新世界。

4. The founder's medicine stove has become a cooking pot i am ashamed, but punishing you would not help matters

译文:祖师的丹炉 竟沦为一个的火锅 我愧对祖先 如今执行门规也于事无补。

5. i am sorry to form her body.

6. i wish it never happened for the sake of my current wife

译文:一想起她我就很不舒服 只想当什么都没发生过 感觉也很愧对我现在的老婆。

7. You make me feel, like, embarrassed with myself.

8. i can't let anything happen to you.

9. i wouldn't bring shame to you and your dad.

10. The unhealthy shame i'm talking about is the one that makes you so sick inside.

11. And you are not ashamed to smoke communistic cigars from Cuba?

译文:抽古巴赤贼的雪茄? And you are not ashamed to smoke 您不觉得愧对祖国吗。

12. i'd rather be end in annihilable, that's not the worst mean as you got a badge.

13. Dare not to greet the King

14. L...am ashamed of my wasted life,

15. Should that happen, it would be inexcusable to the Old Boss.


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