请勿打扰用英语怎么说 请勿打扰英语翻译

请勿打扰在英语中的翻译是"  don't disturb",还可以翻译为  Do Not Disturb,在《新英汉汉英词典》中,共找到33个与请勿打扰相关的释义和例句。

请勿打扰用英语怎么说 请勿打扰英语翻译

请勿打扰在英语中的翻译是"  don't disturb",还可以翻译为  Do Not Disturb,在《新英汉汉英词典》中,共找到33个与请勿打扰相关的释义和例句。

1. do not disturb(un. 免打扰服务\n 请勿打扰;请勿打扰房;请勿打搅)

Until Next Alarm ( 下次闹铃前请勿打扰 )

Blame Sincere Not Faze ( 没有诚意请勿打扰 )

1. Well, please let the customers in peace now.

2. in the door and it has asked that they wake up to him o'clock to 6.

3. - Place a D.N.D. On room 102, please.

4. i told you, don't disturb it!

5. Don't disturb the patient please.

6. if you're concerned about the "Do not disturb" signs, don't worry. i've left them alone.

译文:你要是还在纠结"请勿打扰"的牌子 别担心 我原谅你了。

7. Did you not see my "Do Not Disturb" Sign?

8. You guys gotta get a Scrabble board.

9. -You missed the " Do Not Disturb" sign.

10. i am sleeping, Please make a DND for me.

11. -it says, "Do not disturb"!

译文:-门上写着"请勿打扰"! -是我 - It says, "Do not disturb"。

12. Record DND rooms on the work sheet and note the time.

13. Certainly Sir. Could you tell me (DND) until what time?

14. i was very clear. Keep me out of gym...

15. Excuse me. i do believe i had the Do Not Disturb sign on the door.





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