池龙用英语怎么说 池龙的英语翻译

池龙的英语是"Long Tri",还经常被译作lung ch'ih y?eh,在《英语自学简明词典》中,共找到61个与池龙相关的译文和例句。

池龙用英语怎么说 池龙的英语翻译

池龙的英语是"Long Tri",还经常被译作lung ch'ih y?eh,在《英语自学简明词典》中,共找到61个与池龙相关的译文和例句。

示例:What's this you got stuck under your collar, eh? eh?

3. phosphoric acid fuel cell, PAFC

4. - Pool by pool, across the county.

5. He watched those shooting stars with the boss of this sauna

6. Princesa Parc's spa centre features a steam room, a massage service, a hydromassage pool and a jacuzzi.

7. iKEBUKURO NiGHT MARKET - TOKYO Ladies and gentlemen it's called a pao machine

8. Long! Jump into the blood pool! Soak yourself in the water.

9. Spinosauri, allosaurus... apatosauri, barosaurus...

译文:棘龙(Spinosaurus)、异龙(Allosaurus) 迷惑龙(Apatosaurus)、重龙(Barosaurus) ...。

10. -Yes. -Bat, short for battery.

11. it's a cool pool, isn't it?

14. Here is the Zhengyan Pool.

15. Ballsie Chi... head for Kowloon!


待字闺中用英语怎么说 待字闺中英语翻译
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