课间用英语怎么说 课间的英语翻译

课间用英语说"  break",在日常中也可以翻译为"playtime",在《英国拉丁词典》中,共找到56个与课间相关的释义和例句。

课间用英语怎么说 课间的英语翻译

课间用英语说"  break",在日常中也可以翻译为"playtime",在《英国拉丁词典》中,共找到56个与课间相关的释义和例句。

break recess A Ten-minute Break playtime break ( 课间休息 )

a ten-minute recess ( 十分钟的课间休息 )

Recess Between Cl Activity Time ( 课间活动 )

football Tenepus Putbol Tenepusi ( 足球课间 )

1. And they use them, in the breaks, for water tols.

2. We'll now take an hour recess for lunch.

3. Earl, that's so sweet. These should last me till recess.

4. Third, we must reduce the time allowed between cl -- heck, let's just cut it in half.

7. Study break, boys. Company's here.

8. i flunked it big-time. And i studied during break.

9. Wait until after break time.

10. Can you act out what you did at breaktime?

11. - i floss between cl.

译文:我课间都用牙线清洁的 I floss between cl.。

12. Where does he live? Ask over at the high school.

13. We just had history with Doctor Brett, Na great guy.

14. Prinl got five complaints of Monica's little sister getting beat up at recess by some punk.

15. i wanna get those kids outside during recess.


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