金正民用英语怎么说 金正民的英语翻译

金正民的英语翻译是"Jumin",还网络中常译为"local levee",在《郎文英汉双解大词典》中,共找到54个与金正民相关的短语释义和例句。

金正民用英语怎么说 金正民的英语翻译

金正民的英语翻译是"Jumin",还网络中常译为"local levee",在《郎文英汉双解大词典》中,共找到54个与金正民相关的短语释义和例句。

3. Kim Jong-ii loves "Night Calls."

4. He has three sons - Jong Nam, Jong Chul and Jong Un - but does not appear to have anointed any of them as his heir.


5. Give the people back what you've taken from them.

6. North Korean Leader Kim Jong-il...

7. it doesn't matter if you're from the village.

8. What do you think of Kim il-sung?

9. This child's name is called Min Su.

10. Dong's father wasn't an ally with the new leader and yet, he survived.

11. Visitor for Lee Jong-ku No. 6405, Row 27, Cell 2.

12. Kim Jong il has expelled aid workers.

13. He's like the opposite of Don King.

14. in case Kim Jong il here changes his mind.

15. Like his elder brother, Kim Jong-chol, he received an expensive education under an assumed name in Switzerland.


后翼子板用英语怎么说 后翼子板英语翻译


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