黑便用英语怎么说 黑便的英语翻译

黑便通常被翻译为"melena"的意思,还网络中常译为"  Dark stools",在《英汉简明词典》中,共找到43个与黑便相关的译文和例句。

黑便用英语怎么说 黑便的英语翻译

黑便通常被翻译为"melena"的意思,还网络中常译为"  Dark stools",在《英汉简明词典》中,共找到43个与黑便相关的译文和例句。

Black Penny Villas Ubud ( 乌布黑便士别墅酒店 )

Where light inches forward darkness retreats. ( 光明前进一分 黑暗便后退一分 )

Melaena and Rectal Bleeding ( 黑便及直肠出血 )

penny black and twopence blue ( 黑便士和两便士蓝 )

penny black and twopence blue ( 黑便士和两便士的蓝色 )

1. 'Cause i have to make a doodie.

5. You can make the baby .

6. This is your grandson, Ben.

7. if the cancer can cause gastrointestinal erosion hematemesis, melena .

8. if you go in the first, you'll take a in the closet.

9. Relax, it's not . it's some...

10. Constipation diarrhea hematemesis melena hematochezia jaundice

11. He called the ""!

12. You can make the baby .

13. ♪ Blackadder, Blackadder... ♪

14. Zhou Chunya started painting his German wolfhound, Hei Gen, as early as 1995.

15. Black, when the sky turns black why do i feel so blue?

译文:小黑,为何每当天色转黑... ...我便觉得忧伤,为何。


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