氛围用英语怎么说 氛围的英语翻译

氛围的英语是"atmosphere -",还网络中常译为"climate -",在《英国翻译词典》中,共找到44个与氛围相关的译文和例句。

氛围用英语怎么说 氛围的英语翻译

氛围的英语是"atmosphere -",还网络中常译为"climate -",在《英国翻译词典》中,共找到44个与氛围相关的译文和例句。

create sound conditions and a good atmosphere ( 创造条件和氛围 )

Dark Ambient Eyes flinging sust Rue Morgue Silver footprints in the ( 黑暗氛围 )

academic atmosphere study atmosphere learning atmosphere Learning environment ( 学习氛围 )

1. inside... a strange atmosphere.

2. The atmosphere is strange: nostalgic and jovial at the same time.

3. And confirm bioscan and atmosphere checks before departure.

4. Ln that frame there is nothing either...

5. -l don't want you to ruin it.

6. This is the vibing i'm talking about.

7. For starters, let's try and set the proper mood.

10. There's such an amazing vibe here in London.

11. it is pleasant to return one's self to the "old" ambience.

12. it's very attractive. it has atmosphere.

13. " And with all this romantic atmosphere

14. i think you need to get on this level.

15. Chicago's got a great music scene.


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