泪奔用英语怎么说 泪奔的英语翻译

泪奔用英语说"  sigma",还经常被译作  Running With Tears,在《英英汉-英英汉词典》中,共找到18个与泪奔相关的短语翻译和用法。

泪奔用英语怎么说 泪奔的英语翻译

泪奔用英语说"  sigma",还经常被译作  Running With Tears,在《英英汉-英英汉词典》中,共找到18个与泪奔相关的短语翻译和用法。

1. gastroenteroneurosis(奔豚气,奔豚)

And then there was silence ( 泪奔掠过的天空 )

1. The rushing clans are full of vigors.

2. Now, Ben... ..it's been quite a night. i loved it.

3. i'm just gonna turn off the radio.

4. After you jump, i'll create a diversion.

5. So how did you fall down there?

9. What's going on? Wait, wait, wait, Ben, Ben, Ben Ben.

10. When the time comes, i'll erase all the tattoos.

11. i sat in my car eating the best tamale i've ever had, and i just started to cry.


12. We're in the middle of a thing. i can't find the siren.

13. All right, Ben, that's fine, that's enough. Not okay. i'm sorry, Dog.

14. You should switch off your phone.

15. Did you walk into a door...?


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