涉密用英语怎么说 涉密的英语翻译


涉密用英语怎么说 涉密的英语翻译


documents with secret ( 涉密文档 )

Classified Security Paper Certificate ( 涉密防伪票据证书 )

secret-involved information system ( 涉密信息系统 )

Security Asset Management System ( 涉密资产管理系统 )

Computer information system involving secrets computer system for secret information ( 涉密计算机信息系统 )

1. Sothe next time you’re about to perform a sensitive transaction, take a moment tokeep a look out for the website’s security information.


2. And we'd feel better for the time being... if he wasn't granted any access to the institutions... where sensitive government projects are in the works.

译文:我们会感觉好一些... 如果他不能够跟... 任何牵扯到涉密项目的研究机构 有所接触的话.。

3. i'm prohibited from answering that under the Classified information Procedures Act.

4. informaton security is a key problem for the construction of e-government, and is very important for the development of non-secret-involved internal office network based on internet.





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