蒙人用英语怎么说 蒙人的英语翻译

蒙人的英语为"  Lakedaimonioi",还网络中常译为"  kid sb",在《新英汉词典(第3版)》中,共找到68个与蒙人相关的翻译和例句。

蒙人用英语怎么说 蒙人的英语翻译

蒙人的英语为"  Lakedaimonioi",还网络中常译为"  kid sb",在《新英汉词典(第3版)》中,共找到68个与蒙人相关的翻译和例句。

Phuket Simon Cabaret Show ( 普吉西蒙人妖秀表演 )

mongolian people's party ( 蒙古党 )

Mongoloid yellow race ( 蒙古人种 )

1. Jesus and the truth of his message are loved.

译文:和他福音里的真理是蒙人所爱的 Jesus and the truth of his message are loved.。

2. i am the man without dignity in someone's opinion. i am poor.

3. And what kind of apology are you going to make to me and to this insulted house for the imposture which you have attempted to play here?


4. Are we done with the cod psychology?

5. inhabited Pasturage among Mongolian in Qing Dynasty was not popular therefore did not alter the whole structure of Mongolian society.


6. if you're trying to pull the wool over this one, you got the wrong girl.

7. Joy, we haven't had a search engine talk about pages it knows about to confuse things since the Lycos days.

8. "How can Evans run the studio, be involved with our pictures and make his own?"


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韩可可用英语怎么说 韩可可的英语翻译


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