沟谷用英语怎么说 沟谷的英语翻译

沟谷的英语有两种说法,可以翻译为20 In general penetration rate of a gully is related to the distance from the headstream of watersh,还经常被译作  [地理] ravine,在《英语汉语大辞典》中,共找到24个与沟谷相关的短语翻译和用法。

沟谷用英语怎么说 沟谷的英语翻译

沟谷的英语有两种说法,可以翻译为20 In general penetration rate of a gully is related to the distance from the headstream of watersh,还经常被译作  [地理] ravine,在《英语汉语大辞典》中,共找到24个与沟谷相关的短语翻译和用法。

1. 20 In general penetration rate of a gully is related to the distance from the headstream of watersh

沟谷翻译为 20 In general penetration rate of a gully is related to the distance from the headstream of watersh。

This valley, also changed his name to a crabapple valley.

BentleySubglacialTrench ( 河下沟谷 )

1. This valley, also changed his name to a crabapple valley.

2. Debris flows, also known as mudslides, are a common type of fast-moving landslide that tends to flow in channels.


3. it was estimated that the prospect perspective were weakness in zhidan area once, since data was narrow, and prospect is difficult for complicated landforms (vale, ridge and replat).


4. Every mid-summer, full of wild crabapple valley, fragrance overflowing.

5. Debris bam was added to the model to simulate the impulse force of debris flow to the dam and the variety of debris flow field after adding the dam based on the cleuch 3D land form model.


6. Shaanbei Luochuan loess plateau is one of soil erosion districts which is mainly resulted from loess slump.

译文:通过野外调查发现黄土崩滑作用是造成该区水土流失的主要之一 ,发育于黄土塬 -沟谷过渡地带。

7. Try to cut across to the gully below us.

8. China Danxia contains a wide variety of well developed red-beds landforms such as peaks, towers, mesas, cuestas, cliffs, valleys, caves and arches.


9. Baiyun mountain great momentums, mountainous and gully and mountain road.




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