公投用英语怎么说 公投的英语翻译

公投用英语说"referendum act",还网络中常译为"referendum party",在《郎文英汉双解大词典》中,共找到77个与公投相关的翻译和例句。

公投用英语怎么说 公投的英语翻译

公投用英语说"referendum act",还网络中常译为"referendum party",在《郎文英汉双解大词典》中,共找到77个与公投相关的翻译和例句。

3. Of course, the referendum. We're expecting that date today.

4. People blamed the Prime Minister for calling the referendum in the first place.

5. But more profoundly, the vote teaches us something about the nature of politics today.

译文:但是往深里说, 这次公投告诉了我们 当今的本质。

6. it was iceland's first plebiscite since the island's independence from Denmark in 1944.


7. Be clear: the government disgraced itself by reneging on its pledge to hold a referendum.

8. And this referendum would propose having those dollars go to law enforcement and safety.

9. They want these two demands put to a plebiscite.

10. Residents, for their part, will be able to instigate local referendums on any local issue.

11. We see that in the Brexit vote.

12. During elections and referendums, you're not being asked, "What do you think?"

译文:在竞选与公投时, 你面临的问题其实并非 ”你怎么想?“。

13. They were voted on, and government decrees have to be applied. it's the law.

14. Mr Carter, who's leading an observer mission during the vote which ended today, said it had been very orderly.


15. Three-fourths of the public say they favour a national referendum on the issue.


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