懵懵用英语怎么说 懵懵的英语翻译


懵懵用英语怎么说 懵懵的英语翻译


1. private affair( 私人事务;空间;懵懵懂懂的劈腿)

Muddle Clueless Ignorant reallyinto ( 懵懵懂懂 )

You always seems to understand ( 你总是懵懵懂懂 )

Bubur I love you Cheat cheat I like you ( 懵懵我喜欢你 )

1. Maybe... it's just as easy to go to bed with other men.

2. You can now even Bubur grab?

3. i'm just worried she's in for a rude awakening.

4. People feel obscure on conceptions, values and religious beliefs. Just like the newborn infants, everything is muddled .


5. i took Bubur to Well, why unequal?

6. The woman sat up, puzzled, rubbed her eyes with the back of her reddened hands, and yawned profusely.


7. i do not presume to understand the course of my life.

8. There was one very horrendous crevice bit right near the edge, and i got into a maze of them.

9. When section of sentiments have become, that man only can resemble a pot insipidly overnight the thin rice gruel, the ignorant woman only then can realize.


10. i freaking got it-- Clueless.

11. A viewer sort of unsuspectingly walks into the room, and catches a glimpse of these panels in a messy composition on the wall.

译文:一个观众懵懵懂懂地走进房间, 然后瞥见墙上的画板 胡乱的摆放着。

12. You know, i've done like 10 films since Clueless, and for some reason, that is the only one that people always go back to.

译文:你知道,我已经做了 像10部电影,因为懵懵懂懂, 出于某种原因, 这是唯一的一个 人们总是回去。

13. Right? So these guys are kind of the hungry and foolish and colorful guys, right?

译文:对吧?这些人都是些如饥似渴、 懵懵懂懂又个性鲜明的家伙,对吧。

14. High school boys know nothing.

15. No, ah, i just ran the mountain with Bubur


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