乐呵用英语怎么说 乐呵的英语翻译

乐呵的英语为"no big",其次还可以说成"odontopera hehuanshana",在《郎文当代高级英语辞典》中,共找到12个与乐呵相关的短语翻译和用法。

乐呵用英语怎么说 乐呵的英语翻译

乐呵的英语为"no big",其次还可以说成"odontopera hehuanshana",在《郎文当代高级英语辞典》中,共找到12个与乐呵相关的短语翻译和用法。


Today the stepchild is a favorite, Germans can look on its face and find it shining and full of promise.

Cheerful abb LaDeTiNa giddily ( 乐呵呵 )

Watermelon Happy Lozenge ( 西瓜霜乐呵片 )

laugh with open-hearted enjoyment ( 乐呵呵地开怀大笑 )

1. Only that night we're driving into town and this sideways is in my back seat humming "Danny Boy."

译文:就在那晚 回局里的路上 这个邋遢坐在后座乐呵地哼着小曲儿。

2. i know. it's funny when it's not happening to us.

3. Sth Sth The pure feeling well, the Emperor!

4. Well, well, well. if it ain't the little flower.

5. They've had their fun, they can pay now.

6. - Have some, and cut loose.

7. - Huh. The baby, it's laughing!

8. However, you can have a little dinner, some drinks, share a few laughs.

译文:但你可以吃顿惬意的晚餐 However, you can have a little dinner, 喝喝小酒 乐呵乐呵 some drinks, share a few laughs.。

9. Oh, you know, for laughs. Just-

10. Uh-huh, uh-huh, okay, mm-hmm.

11. Your buddies are laughing.

12. The clients of bar they are always sad.

13. i haven't had fun in almost three years, Jane.

14. Oh, yeah, it's a lot of Braunschweiger.

15. if it's that way, i'll go to Paris for a spell.




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