面罩用英语怎么说 面罩的英语翻译

面罩用英语翻译为"veil",还可以翻译为  Mask,在《英国拉丁词典》中,共找到52个与面罩相关的短语释义和例句。

面罩用英语怎么说 面罩的英语翻译

面罩用英语翻译为"veil",还可以翻译为  Mask,在《英国拉丁词典》中,共找到52个与面罩相关的短语释义和例句。

Welding helmet Hand screen welder's helmet ( 焊工面罩 )

hand face shield groove welding ( 手握面罩 )

Sobi Mask item" "item_sobi_mask rwiz ( 艺人面罩 )

1. So how 'bout no bags this time, but next time we do the bags right and then we go full regalia.

2. They were all wearing masks.

3. Lower the mask, dear dentist, lower the mask."

4. And at this moment harm really could be done as it was a mask which constricted the face, and if i had smiled my skin would have burst.

译文:不过面罩还是有所损伤 面罩是将面部固定住的 如果我一笑,面罩就会裂开。

5. Put the oxygen mask on now.

6. Cool masks. Where'd you get 'em?

7. You put the mask over your face.

8. Mask was secure. Breathing normally.

9. i've got a mask. Can you see my mask?

10. Let's get the mask on her.

11. Check your masks for frozen saliva.

12. - Let's get the mask trousers up. - Get the clothes off.

13. This mask is tight. This mask is tight.

14. - Don't take off your helmet! Oxygen! - it'll kill it.

15. - Ski masks. Perfect. - Perfect.


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八十三用英语怎么说 八十三的英语翻译


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