和雅用英语怎么说 和雅的英语翻译


和雅用英语怎么说 和雅的英语翻译


Abbott Laboratories ABT ( 和雅培制药 )

Ack-Cyber Hotel ( 深圳友和雅商大酒店 )

1. i ain't have time to mess with Tonya.

2. And the Amazon say the same thing,

3. Eike. Take good care of Xath and Daya!

4. - Liya and Lambert are out there.

5. There's not a lot of words that rhyme with Nuria

6. For he's gone and married Yum-Yum Yum-Yum

7. As i see it, you and Gloria are privileged.

8. - in collusion with Katya Orlova.

9. - Are you taking her with you?

10. -For righteousness and to protect Ayothaya

11. He hasn't written me or Sonya.

12. - Odile and Jacques Magnan.

13. He was... at Atlantis... with...

14. So were Carl and Dr. Gilliam.

15. "But Dante and Katya had worked out a code. "





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