长新用英语怎么说 长新的英语翻译

长新在英语中的翻译是"neobythites longipes",还经常被译作Neomecoptera,在《牛津英汉双解词典》中,共找到90个与长新相关的释义和例句。

长新用英语怎么说 长新的英语翻译

长新在英语中的翻译是"neobythites longipes",还经常被译作Neomecoptera,在《牛津英汉双解词典》中,共找到90个与长新相关的释义和例句。

1. And this isn't a one-off deal.

2. Were opening a new restaurant in Cheung Chau soon, so you must come and help after you graduate.

3. Goin' down the bayou Goin' down the bayou

4. Panorpodidae -- A New Recorded Family of Mecoptera from China

5. Butchy, he's got a new girlfriend.

6. New models that extend long periods of time are hard.

7. The new chief screw had the yard painted and i was back walking in circles again.

8. The structure and construction technique of the Jiangyin Ferry Trestle Bridge on Xin-Chang Railway Lines were introduced.


9. Ed Asner voices Carl, and newcomer Jordan Nagai voices Russell.

10. OK! That bone will be good as new in a few weeks.

11. inamori takes over as chairman with new President Masaru Onishi by his side.

12. Anyway, what are you doing in this awful land?

13. The new bulbs also last considerably longer.

14. i'm sorry, mate, but it was unforeseen.

15. Marlboro! Rich man's generosity.




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