绿宝石用英语怎么说 绿宝石的英语翻译

绿宝石用英语说"  [宝] Beryl",还可以翻译为  Romancing the Stone,在《大课标百科词典》中,共找到79个与绿宝石相关的短语翻译和用法。

绿宝石用英语怎么说 绿宝石的英语翻译

绿宝石用英语说"  [宝] Beryl",还可以翻译为  Romancing the Stone,在《大课标百科词典》中,共找到79个与绿宝石相关的短语翻译和用法。

emerald emeringd emerhasd ( 绿宝石的 )

alexandrite Emerald ( 翠绿宝石 宝 )

amethiste basaltine ( 紫水绿宝石 )

Emerald Hotel Hotel Emarald Hanoi Emerald Hotel the Emerld Hotel ( 绿宝石酒店 )

beryl glass smaragdolin ( 绿宝石玻璃 )

1. Fashioning object of great beauty, out of diamond, emerald, ruby and sapphire.

2. Today, look at this place. it's like the Emerald City!

3. Please excuse me. i prefer the turquoise.

4. Looks like a couple of emeralds!

5. Objective: To evaluate the effect of hair removal using alexandrite laser.

6. i'll wear my bracelet with the green stone until the very end.

7. Do you have anything with turquoise or perhaps pearls?

8. Oh, my God, the leathers, yes-- the tasseled leathers, the turquoise studs on the leathers.

9. it's a good emerald. A really good one.

10. seas like turquoise tapestries, flecked with aquamarine, emerald and cerulean.


11. You find it in emerald ore.

12. Her emerald bracelet has disappeared.

13. Objective To observe the effects of long-pulsed Alexandrite laser on hair removal.

14. And in the heart of this emerald gem, Bethesda Fountain.

15. Rubies, sapphires, emeralds and pearls.


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