分压定律用英语怎么说 分压定律英语翻译

分压定律的英语翻译是"divider ratio",还经常被译作pressure partial,在《牛津英汉双解词典》中,共找到24个与分压定律相关的翻译和例句。

分压定律用英语怎么说 分压定律英语翻译

分压定律的英语翻译是"divider ratio",还经常被译作pressure partial,在《牛津英汉双解词典》中,共找到24个与分压定律相关的翻译和例句。


2. Press firmly. Let's move on.

3. We'll crush you to death, we'll crush you to death.

4. - Everyone jump him. - Jump for what!

5. - That's the nature of physics.

6. - [ Grunts ] - Squeeze ! Squeeze !

7. You kept leaning on the rope.

8. Thrid law of planetary motion

9. Relation between -3 dB frequency and risetime for resistive voltage divider

10. micro-pressure is usually divided into hard and soft calender, UV-curing and model.

11. The strong kills the weak, such is the law of nature.

12. Bull. Cam Newton's law of gravity is:

13. PA Some partial pressure, p sub A, temperature T.

14. The compaction constant is 1.0 for a completely compacted formation and less than 1.6 for an uncompacted formation.


15. They postulate fundamental laws governing them, like the laws of gravity or of quantum mechanics.


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