蝌蚪用英语怎么说 蝌蚪的英语翻译

蝌蚪的英语可以这样说:  renacuajo,还可以翻译为tadpole -,在《在线英语词典》中,共找到93个与蝌蚪相关的短语翻译和用法。

蝌蚪用英语怎么说 蝌蚪的英语翻译

蝌蚪的英语可以这样说:  renacuajo,还可以翻译为tadpole -,在《在线英语词典》中,共找到93个与蝌蚪相关的短语翻译和用法。

Little tadpoles find mother Little Tadpoles Searching for Mommy ( 小蝌蚪找妈妈 )

1. The tadpole has become a frog.

2. Not at all, still the same dear old Tadpole.

3. Tadpole. Tadpole. Can you say tadpole?

4. The Adaptability of the Rana chensinensis Pollywog to Salinity

5. Some of the things that the monitoring protocols have developed: this is the tadpole bureaucrat protocol, or keeping tabs, if you will.

译文:我们还研发了一些监测实验计划: 这是一个蝌蚪管理实验计划 或者养蝌蚪,如果你愿意这样称呼。

6. And we were at this restaurant, and she said, "So, basically, frogs lay eggs and the eggs turn into tadpoles, and tadpoles turn into frogs."

译文:当时我们在餐馆, 她说,”那么,基本上, 青蛙产, 变成蝌蚪, 然后蝌蚪变成青蛙。”。

7. Then they grow into tadpoles. The dream, right?

8. She must rush back down to rescue the others.

9. This is a tadpole walker to take your tadpole walking in the evening.

10. And then they become tadpoles and frogs."

11. The leaf litter is drying out and tadpoles need water.

12. Both fish and tadpoles have gills.

13. Pollywog bubbles. Okay, guys.

14. - or tadpoles change into frogs. - Yeah, i get it.

15. Pollywogs are frog's babies.


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