国尉用英语怎么说 国尉的英语翻译

国尉用英语说"police lieutenants",还可以翻译为Myxodini,在《英语词汇学习小词典》中,共找到23个与国尉相关的译文和例句。

国尉用英语怎么说 国尉的英语翻译

国尉用英语说"police lieutenants",还可以翻译为Myxodini,在《英语词汇学习小词典》中,共找到23个与国尉相关的译文和例句。

the french lieutenant's ( 法国中尉的女孩 )

the french lieutenant's woman ( 法国中尉的女人 )

1. Our country has suffered a great loss

2. i was authorized to end you!

译文:螠蔚 未喂苇蟿伪尉伪谓 谓伪 蟽蔚 蔚尉慰位慰胃蚁蔚蠉蟽蝇.。

3. it's a Chinese lady from China.

4. i'm Dong-goo. Lee Dong-goo.

5. i know, i know! i can see that.

6. He's willing to live for the colony, to fight for the colony, to die for the colony.

7. Panem today. Panem tomorrow.

译文:今天的施惠国 明天的施惠国 永远的施惠国 Panem today.。

8. Honey, go play. Go on, go on.

9. A Liang solider only kneels before a Liang general.

10. What? That's such a cheat.

11. Charcoal Head, don't give the Sword to Nei Liao

12. i have some questions for First Lieutenant Moto Seta and Captain Amuri Noto here—

13. Kurojo, Shirojo, Masugami, Omime.

14. And his dominion will be...

15. Brobdingnagian, Brobdingna...


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