鲁加用英语怎么说 鲁加的英语翻译

鲁加的英语为"  Luga",在《实用全新英汉双解大词典》中,共找到38个与鲁加相关的翻译和例句。

鲁加用英语怎么说 鲁加的英语翻译

鲁加的英语为"  Luga",在《实用全新英汉双解大词典》中,共找到38个与鲁加相关的翻译和例句。

Daniele Rugani Rosa Rugani ( 鲁加尼 )

1. Garud kept saying he could do more.

2. A 400-pound weight has been lifted off my back, " said Gavin Maloof, who with his brother, Joe, worked out the compromise during heated negotiations in Las Vegas."


3. That's gonna put him within striking distance... of Rudi Garmischt.

4. Terror and despair loom over Tobruk and Benghazi.

5. Parker, Parker, Parker, Parker...

6. And it brings with it the 'Garua Season'

7. No ice, hold the vodka, hold the Kahlua.

8. According to reports, the disaster took place in indonesia's West Java province, Jia Lute (Garut) region.


9. The new Wild West of the old Middle East.

10. Hrothgar! Hrothgar! Hrothgar!

译文:胡鲁斯加王 胡鲁斯加王 胡鲁斯加王 胡鲁斯加王 胡鲁斯加王 胡鲁斯加王。

11. See the little towns... Gubbio, Settignano... Galluzzo...

12. A spectacular run by Rudi Garmischt!

13. To Honey Farms. i am onto something huge here. i'm going to Alaska.

14. Bulid the vodka and kahlua over ice and top up with cola.

15. They say several others were injured by the blast at a market in the province of Uruzgan.




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