代码格式用英语怎么说 代码格式英语翻译

代码格式用英语说"query format code",在日常中也可以翻译为"glue code",在《牛津英汉双解词典》中,共找到66个与代码格式相关的释义和例句。

代码格式用英语怎么说 代码格式英语翻译

代码格式用英语说"query format code",在日常中也可以翻译为"glue code",在《牛津英汉双解词典》中,共找到66个与代码格式相关的释义和例句。


3. To compile, use the same format as the previous examples: $ gcc -o basichttpfile basichttpfile.c -levent

译文:使用与前面的示例相同的格式编译代码:$ gcc -o basichttpfile basichttpfile.c -levent。

4. The Code Editor always tries to keep your code formatted in a standard, easy-to-read layout.

5. Most soup code consists of some .findAll() calls into a page that might be only approximately well-formed HTML.

译文:大多数 soup 代码包含一些对只含有格式良好的 HTML 的页面的 .findAll() 调用。

6. Record Layout for BTCi (Cl) BTCi

7. Tagged image File Format (TiFF) and Graphics interchange Format (GiF) are the only implemented image formats that support multiple frames.


8. - Uh, that looks like the same code.

9. - Look, we need to make some calls, assuming we still can.

10. Format SQL when code is generated or after SQL is modified.

11. - Claire couldn't have known what he'd do.

12. You can use it to play video, transcode video, and serve streaming video.

13. Listing 14 shows the code for the Outdent formatting on.


14. Hey, how about it for the James Gang?

15. You can use it to play video, transcode video, and serve streaming video.


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