时尚界用英语怎么说 时尚界的英语翻译

时尚界在英语中的翻译是"  Fashion",还网络中常译为"the fashion world",在《新英汉汉英词典》中,共找到88个与时尚界相关的短语翻译和用法。

时尚界用英语怎么说 时尚界的英语翻译

时尚界在英语中的翻译是"  Fashion",还网络中常译为"the fashion world",在《新英汉汉英词典》中,共找到88个与时尚界相关的短语翻译和用法。

Manolo Blahnik CBE ( 时尚界卓越成就奖 )

The Model As Muse ( 时尚界的灵感缪斯 )

Vogue Magazine World Fashion ( 世界时尚 )

Fickle World of Fashion ( 变幻莫测时尚界 )

Cindys Fashion World ( 辛蒂的时尚世界 )

Fashion World world of fashion Sretsis ( 时尚世界 )

Fashion Design World ( 时尚设计界 )

1. i want it to be the biggest event in the history of fashion.

2. So i decided one day to cross over from the superficial fashion world to the superficial art world.

译文:所以我决定有朝一日 我要从这肤浅的时尚界 跨界转行到那肤浅的艺术界。

3. His line is ss, but he has connections in fashion and the movies.

4. i'm gonna break into the fashion industry.

5. Do you work in fashion as well?

6. Bettie Page has been praised for her impact on fashion and the modeling world.


7. ich realized that night that the fashion world was superficial und vacuous.

8. And she ignited the entire industry.

9. Obama and his madames turned the fashion new favorite.

10. Yeah, uh, the fashion world is pond scum and monsters.

11. On the whole, people that say demeaning things about our world,

12. Basically, the top fashion stylist in the industry.

13. They change so rapidly in the fashion world.

14. (Laughter) i would say it's moments like that when i think, "Why did i leave the fashion world?"

译文:(笑声) 我想过很多次, 比如“为什么我要离开时尚界?”。

15. She's an embarrassment to all things fashion!


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