羡煞旁人用英语怎么说 羡煞旁人英语翻译


羡煞旁人用英语怎么说 羡煞旁人英语翻译


3. You guys are really beautiful.

4. All right, well, good luck finishing your movie.

5. i really hate you. How is he?

6. "Even trading life for advent of passion"

7. Life among humans will have humbled them.

8. Do something ! You just want to find a way out...

9. idiots are those who do nothing but admiring, not knowing how much the admired have done.

10. Why do you have to go through this trouble?

11. i touched its calm, envied its love

12. i saw you two pass by earlier arm in arm.

13. Listen to me. Remember your brakes and switches. Get ready to flare it out!

14. They can say what they like

15. i think she likes you too. - You hungry?




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