冷燕用英语怎么说 冷燕的英语翻译

冷燕通常被翻译为"  AI dagger"的意思,在《学生实用英汉双解大词典》中,共找到64个与冷燕相关的译文和例句。

冷燕用英语怎么说 冷燕的英语翻译

冷燕通常被翻译为"  AI dagger"的意思,在《学生实用英汉双解大词典》中,共找到64个与冷燕相关的译文和例句。

1. welcome swallow( 喜燕;迎燕;欢喜燕)

1. Yin, let's break a path through it

2. Let me... have some birds nest

3. Cold is going to get colder.

4. Yin, be good. Don't be like that.

5. - Are those oatmeal raisin again?

6. Your girlfriend was Jooyeon Jang who lived in Yeonyi county. Right?

7. Behold, i am the great General Zhang

8. Are you sure there's no bear in here?

10. Here, if you're cold, drink something hot.

11. Yanhua issued by the company.

12. - Man, it is cold up here. - Fucking freezing.

13. Swordsman Yen, lead a hand!

14. This is pretty cool. it's cold.

15. - Sand Martin Bridge - Copy





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