海底深处用英语怎么说 海底深处英语翻译

海底深处的英语可以这样说:go deep,还网络中常译为"goes deep",在《实用英语词典》中,共找到90个与海底深处相关的短语释义和例句。

海底深处用英语怎么说 海底深处英语翻译

海底深处的英语可以这样说:go deep,还网络中常译为"goes deep",在《实用英语词典》中,共找到90个与海底深处相关的短语释义和例句。

3. i'm sorry if i left out the part about the island being on the bottom of the ocean.

4. There are fossils in amongst, and now i've trained you to appreciate the fossil corals that are down there.

译文:这其中有很多化石, 现在我教会大家 去欣赏这些化石珊瑚, 沉睡在海底深处。

8. it can be found from the depths of the deepest oceans to the peaks of the highest mountains.

9. To do that, we need to fly remotely-operated vehicles about five meters off the seafloor.

译文:为了使图像更清晰, 我们要操纵遥控的深潜器, 到距离海底5米左右的深处。

10. Seamounts are underwater mountains that rise above the ocean floor.

11. The monsters accept your ransom and swim back down to the depths for another thousand years.

译文:最后,海怪们接受了赎金, 潜回了海底深处, 等待下一个千年轮回。

12. - La-la-la - La-da, di-da-da

13. Dying, they leave nothing behind. The marine oasis becomes a desert.

14. i see bottom. it's bottom. Oh, yeah.

15. The whole bottom of the ocean.


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