漫书用英语怎么说 漫书的英语翻译

漫书通常被翻译为"diffuse irradiation"的意思,其次还可以说成"diffuse radiation",在《实用英语词典》中,共找到53个与漫书相关的短语翻译和用法。

漫书用英语怎么说 漫书的英语翻译

漫书通常被翻译为"diffuse irradiation"的意思,其次还可以说成"diffuse radiation",在《实用英语词典》中,共找到53个与漫书相关的短语翻译和用法。

4. 2x05 - A Hen in the Wolf House

5. "And there's always music in the air."

6. What was it called? "The Last Walk..."

7. That inundates the mountain young girl!

8. 1x22 - "Beginning of the End"

9. For all around there to be snow.

10. Ooh. "A known associate, one Edmund Reese, fingers Raymond in the 1985 heist of a rare comic-book collection. "

译文:"他的同伙艾德蒙瑞斯供出... 他八五年犯下一宗漫划书抢案"。

11. Yeah, i didn't. i didn't forget.

12. You see, the thing is, Wanda,

13. it's been a long day. it's too long a day.

14. That's your first thought?

15. You can't travel in space.


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