火柴用英语怎么说 火柴的英语翻译

火柴的英语为"  fire wood",其次还可以说成"match",在《汉语英语翻译词典》中,共找到18个与火柴相关的译文和例句。

火柴用英语怎么说 火柴的英语翻译

火柴的英语为"  fire wood",其次还可以说成"match",在《汉语英语翻译词典》中,共找到18个与火柴相关的译文和例句。

HAGLOFS matchstick Matchic TINDERSTICKS ( 火柴棍 )

Matchstick Man Uomo fiammifero ( 火柴男人 )

Fancy Pants Adventure iDork XL iDork Ultra iDork Lite ( 火柴冒险 )

Magic Matchbox Magic Muponchbox ( 魔术火柴盒 )

1. No, not yet. i have no matches.

2. There are some matches right next to it.

3. Huh. Matches just went off?

4. You can't light those matches?

8. ~ Pilot over radio ~ Roger, Matchbox,

9. (Doctor) Haley, i need a match for the fuse!

10. Stop playing with those matches!

11. ~ Pilot over radio ~ Roger, Matchbox.

12. A cigarette, a match, a matchbox?

13. Gould, you got any matches?

14. - how would you light the match?

15. Hey, Ma! Where are the matches?




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